We're lucky for a lot of reasons. I could list a million of them, but the Oscars speech I hear dragging on in the background is motivating me to be succinct.
We're so lucky to have found success doing what we love to do. We're still an emerging studio, but lately we seem to be emerging very, very quickly. 2011 is going to be a busy year, and 2012 is looking like it will be even busier.
We've always been fortunate to have clients who trust us and are willing to play along with our oddball ideas. Take last weekend for example. Nathan and Carla came to Regina for their engagement pictures. I doubt they expected us to pull out a deck of cards and ask them to create the odd vision we had in our heads. Without even flinching, the two played along like it was completely normal to have a fake card game in front of two women with large cameras who can't stop giggling. This is what we love most about our clients. Sometimes we have weird ideas. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. But it's way more fun to try them out than to wonder if they'd work. I'll be honest, the post-prod card images didn't exactly match the vision I had in my head, but we had a great time testing it out.
So to all of our clients who have danced, jumped, or been victims of our nerd shots (anyone who's worked with us will know exactly what we're talking about!) - thank you! It's been a pleasure working with you.
Don't worry Nathan and Carla, we'll have a separate post with some of your other engagement shots :)