It was impossible to go anywhere in the month of April without hearing the latest buzz about the big Royal wedding. Like a lot of people, Brandi and I got caught up in the excitement - Brandi woke up at 3 a.m. to watch all of the coverage, while I updated my facebook page with an homage to the Royal hats (we all celebrate in our own ways:). But we were even more excited about a wedding taking place in Saskatoon the next day - Nathan and Carla's. It's not every day we get to work with a couple whose romance, from what I understand, began over a conversation about the authenticity of the schnitzels at Folkfest's German pavilion...this is our kind of couple!
This was our first wedding of 2011 and it was a fabulous way to kick off the year. We enjoy all of the weddings we photograph, but this one was special for me because Nathan is family (and now Carla officially is too). It was also special because Carla and Nathan are one of those couples who are obviously head over heels with each other. Take the photo below for example. This is an 'outtake' from their shoot, but it says so much about the two of them.
This is how Carla looks at Nathan. All the time.

I wonder if this is the same look she gave him when he decided that engaging in a conversation about schnitzels would be a killer first move. Regardless, we'd like to congratulate Nathan and Carla on their beautiful wedding and their beautiful marriage! Thanks for such a great day!