
Regina Engagement Photography | Candace + Ian

Downtown Regina has some great little nooks and crannies for photography, and that's where we created Candace and Ian's awesome urban engagment shoot this past week (say that three times fast - "awesome urban engagement shoot" - ha ha!).  We finished off by racing the sunset to Douglas Park Hill to get a few shots in the grass there for a bit of a different feel.  Thanks for a great evening, Candace and Ian - we hope you have a great weekend visiting with your families!






Regina Engagement Photography | Christy + Dane

We headed over to Government House for some engagement photos with Christy and Dane last week.  GH is a super versatile location, and we really enjoyed shooting there.  We got to talking about the ghost stories that surround the building, and I hate to say this guys, but I'm almost certain I saw the curtains moving in the window behind you at one point! I'm pretty sure it was just the heating/cooling system blowing in the building though (at least, that's what I'm telling myself at night, ha ha!)

Thanks for a great shoot Christy and Dane, we're really excited for your wedding next May!



Regina Engagement Photography | Rebecca + Cole

We met up with Rebecca and Cole on a beautiful August evening. The light seemed to wrap around the two of them wherever we went. We had a great time with these two and Cole even gave us a new joke to add to our arsenal (which exists solely of jokes from my 8-year-old nephew...we need all the help we can get).

Thank you Rebecca and Cole for being such good sports for us! We really appreciated how willing you were to hike through thistle just so we could get the 'glowy' (if I put it in quotations, it counts as a word) shots we'd been envisioning for weeks. Just wait until you see what we have in store for you on your wedding day :) And Rebecca, I'm excited to continue using wedding photography discussions as an excuse to go out for lunch. I have a feeling the little girls at the Green Spot will get to know us very well by next September!



Regina Family Photography | The fam jam

I know what you're all thinking. Awesome, another one of Kristen's personal posts about her family! I've been waiting for another one of these! Ha! Too bad! Content control is a perk of having a blog! (Unless you have a crazy business partner who just blogs amok...let's just hope Brandi doesn't change the password on me...)

A couple weeks ago we got together to celebrate my Grandma's birthday. This was the first time that all of the little critters have been together since before our daughter was born. This was kind of a big deal. A big enough deal that I was willing to skip out of preparing supper for all 17 of us (have I mentioned I have the best husband ever?) to frolic in the park with the kids, their parents, my parents, and my grandparents to take some photos. 

This was one of the most fun days I've had in a long time, and I have a lot of fun days. We've always been a pretty tight family and it was so nice to just relax in the park with my favourite people. It was also nice to get so many awesome shots of the kids, who are all growing up way too fast. 

Happy birthday, Grandma! I hope you enjoyed your big day!

(Uh, for those of you who know my Dad, it might be best if we keep his internet debut our little secret for!)

I love my Grandma. I love her even more than she loves owls (which is a lot). This is a photo of her telling her great grandkids how special they all are and how proud she is of them, because that's what my Grandma does. 

I also love my nephew Nolan, but for different reasons. I love that every thought and emotion he has is displayed for all to see. I think this was the point when he decided it was time to stop talking about how special they are and start eating the owl cupcakes.