Saskatchewan Wedding Photography | Contest! Flowers! Yay!

I love photographing flowers. I love that I can appreciate the colours, textures and details of flowers without having any clue what type they are. Just last week I learned that the puffy pink flowers I love are peonies (I swear my Aunt and my Grandmother got a chill as I typed that). We photographed so many beautiful flowers this year. There were all different colours and styles, and they were all gorgeous.
To pay homage to our favourite flowers of 2011, Brandi and I thought it would be fun to have a contest. View the photos below and tell us in the comment section which bouquet is your favourite (please vote by stating the number listed above the photo you're voting for - as mentioned above, I'm a floral illiterate). If you prefer, you can also vote on our facebook page. Please only vote once! One lucky participant and the winning bride will both receive a beautiful arrangement of flowers I can't name courtesy of Bella Carta Studios. Brides, feel free to vote for yourself. I know I would!