Saskatchewan Wedding Photography | Andrew & Anne
Friday, July 15, 2011 at 2:46PM
Bella Carta Studios

Last weekend we headed back to Ituna & Melville for Andrew and Anne's wedding.  These two are so sweet!  After only a few minutes of being around them it is evident how in tune they are with each other, and how totally in love they are.  Anne looked absolutely stunning in her v-neck dress - a style which I really love, and of course Andrew looked ever the handsome Englishman. :)  We were having such a great time working with them that I had to do a double-take when I looked at my watch near the end of the day - the time had flown by!  Congratulations Anne and Andrew, I hope you had a great time on your trip to Nova Scotia!

Article originally appeared on Bella Carta Studios - Regina wedding photography (
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